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Friends of the Library

Would you make a great Friend? Find out by asking for a membership application at the library! 

Who We Are

The Friends of the Hamilton North Public Library is a public-spirited group of people interested in books, education, community, and the library.

Through volunteering and financial support, the Friends have made possible:

  • Programs for children, teens, adults, and families, including guest speakers and author visits
  • Prizes for Summer Reading Program
  • The distribution of inexpensive books, DVDs, and audiobooks to the community through daily sales at the library
  • Annual photography contests (prizes awarded)
  • And much, much more….

Volunteer Opportunities

There are many opportunities for members to become actively involved with the Friends. Volunteering offers a rewarding way to support our activities and meet other people with similar interests. Volunteer schedules are flexible.

As a Friend, you may help to:

  • Sort books for the book sales
  • Staff book sales
  • Help stock the daily sale items at the library
  • Help with special events
  • Work the Friends of the Library booth at various community events
  • Decide how Friends money will be used to support the Hamilton North Public Library


Please feel free to stop in for a Friends of the Library monthly meeting held the third Wednesday of the month at the library. Meetings start at 6:00 p.m. 

Friends of the Library Bookstore 

A primary activity of the group is to raise money as a nonprofit organization. The Friends of the Hamilton North Public Library is a 501(c)(3). All memberships and donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Funds raised by the Friends, primarily through book sales, are used to supplement the library’s operating budget. Sale items may be purchased at the library during regular business hours. Merchandise is regularly added to the sale shelves so check back frequently for newer items. Sale prices vary. (Sometimes, without advance notice, prices are reduced. This is another reason to visit the bookstore often!)

You would be a great Friend if you: 

  1. Know that a strong and vibrant public library is a valuable asset to our community
  2. Believe that the public library has an important and unique role to play in the education and entertainment of community residents
  3. Want to help the library fulfill its potential!
  4. Want to be part of the work, by stocking the partners and friends bookstore
  5. Want to connect with neighbors in a meaningful way
  6. Can put your community connections to good work by obtaining corporate and commercial sponsorships
  7. Can help with fundraising by encouraging gifts,endowments, and bequests to the library
  8. Want to see your fundraising efforts turned into new programs and equipment for the library!
  9. Can use your decorating skills to set up artwork and displays in the library
  10. Want to meet new friends and have rich experiences with the Friends of the Library

For more information about the Friends, their Mission, and how you can become involved, call Friends President Susan Sparks at 317-984-5623.